Friday, October 28, 2011

Shrunken Heads in Cider? Damn you, Martha! Why didn't I think of that?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Iron Chef: the whole fridge

It's one of those lazy days where I feel 2% like getting my act together, and 98% like padding around all day in my robe.

To integrate my conflicting parts, I am cleaning out the refrigerator by cooking some its contents into one tasty dish.

So far it seems to be going well. I had a little leftover browned sage butter from the most recent batch of orange cauli/tart apple soup in which I sauteed a thing of pre-sliced mushrooms. I boiled a cup of fresh shelling beans and added them to the pan along with a 1/2 of uncooked orzo pasta. I used the hot bean water to parboil an orange heirloom tomato which I then mashed into the pan. I had a couple cups of leftover homemade chicken veggie broth which I poured in with a spash of sherry, and let the works burble on low, covered, till the liquid thickened. I've tested shelling beans - still a little toothy - maybe I should have waited to salt & pepper the mixture. I've added a little more liquid and scooped out the flesh of a  half-delicata squash I had previously roasted with lemon olive oil & thyme, so now the goopus has sweetened and thickened a little more.

I'll just leave it covered till the beans seem truly tender. Very autumn-y!